Ready, Trusted Data Sets, GO!

Ready, Trusted Data Sets, GO!

24 05

If you want to build a data-driven company, you have to know that data sets are the building blocks for Analysis and getting insights that support decision-making and future business strategy.

Only trusted data sets are able to capture the specifics of your business and potentially have all the relevant attributes needed for predictions. As right Data Mining and Machine Learning data sets are a must for proper predictive modeling! Besides in today’s increasingly regulated world, access to trusted data sets is also critical for robust regulatory compliance and risk management. So, get ready, with trusted data sets, and go!

One of the adages of computer science is “garbage in, garbage out”. Well, at MURDIO we are confident to say “accurate data in, better insights out”!

How Murdio makes Trusted Data accessible

We understand the challenges companies face in collecting, aggregating, validating, and analyzing data that can bring insights into their business, and create a competitive advantage. The good news is that MURDIO streamlines this process with a single platform, that provides powerful data visualization capabilities for any dataset.

As we recognize the business user’s need for trusted data, our priority focuses on providing a seamless in-product integration with commonly used Business Intelligence applications to offer Collibra as the means of collaboration over the logical data sets that source BI reports.

The objective is to reduce time-to-value, through ready-made data components available for rapid assembly, rather than expecting every project to always have to start from scratch with raw data. Plus, to ensure that trusted data sets can be understood by anyone handling it, from the data newbie to the veteran alike! Our innovative solutions are centered on three core principles: collaboration, compliance, and confidentiality.

What are really Data Sets, and how important

Data sets are a collection of a particular business data, that is composed of separate elements but can be manipulated as a unit by a computer. In simpler words, it’s a combination of data presented in a structured format. These are fundamental to give scope, robustness, and confidence to Data Analysis.

We can give you a couple of good reasons why data sets are important:

  • They help make well-informed business decisions and avoid taking action based on incorrect conclusions
  • They allow you to be more strategic and to direct resources where they are most needed
  • They provide solutions to problems and help you to develop effective and accurate solutions, by monitoring what is happening in different locations, and departments
  • They help maintain a record, by setting performance goals throughout the organization and departments
  • They help to track everyone’s productivity and performance, tracking all employees’ actions/activities through their data
  • They help access performance and identify high-performing programs and people, or implement strategies to assist programs, and improve someone’s performance
  • And much more.

The quality of Data Sets

Having lots of data is great, but having quality data is better. Quality does matter! But, what counts as quality? Normally when we think about data quality, we think about its value and accuracy. Let us also take an empirical approach and choose the option that delivers the best outcome! From that perspective, a quality data set is good if it accomplishes its intended task and suits your purpose.

Still, there are some other considerations that can help you assess the quality of a data set!
On the whole, look for data sets that meet the following criteria:

  • Contains the key elements you need for your purpose, such as the types or fields that might be needed in order to build a specific visualization
  • Is disaggregated data, meaning you still have some room to analyze it
  • It has at least a couple of dimensions and measures, for a more analytically rich data set
  • It has metadata or a data dictionary, so you know what that data actually is
  • Is useable, and not in a proprietary format, too messy, or too cumbersome

Using Collibra Catalog to make sense of it all

As top certified and experienced professionals of Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. at MURDIO we offer one solution that addresses all vital data catalog functions!

Here are some of the benefits of registering your data sources in Collibra Catalog to form trusted data sets that will improve quality: it will replicate the enterprise data governance standards around people and processes to ensure the proper data maintenance; it will regulate the use and certification of the data sets, while connecting data users and consumers with data owners, producers, and stakeholders; and it will enrich the data sets with the business context, the appropriate metadata tags, and other descriptors, for faster data discovery and de-duplication of datasets and their derived byproducts, such as reports.

For business users, it’s a step further to trust the data in their reports and insights! And for technical users or administrators, it’s a tremendous time-saver in maintenance, communication, and provision around the data warehouses they own. Users can also track the data lineage and traceability of their reports, data sources, and linkage with other data assets, such as associated business terms.

To sum up, Collibra Data catalogs act as guides to the location, context, lineage, and meaning of data, putting it into an actionable and sensible structure that everyone with access can navigate. And, just as data governance gives organizations the confidence they need to trust the accuracy of the data, data catalogs give users the power not only to find the data but also to understand its meaning and relevance in solving business problems.

However, to effectively help implement such structure and build unique and valuable datasets, the best thing is to partner with MURDIO team and let us handle the hard work while you can focus on generating new insights for your business!

The future is now… Are you ready?

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